Thursday, March 15, 2012

Sharp Dressed Irish Men - a Celtic Legend?

I am surprised none of the blogs that I'm following at the moment has picked up on this topic yet. So therefore I am more than pleased to write about something that really matters and that I know a lot about: Irish men and their looks!

In the past Ireland has proven me wrong in many respects. Whether it be the amount of annual rainfall or the density of it's ginger-haired population. (It actually doesn't rain as much as a German would think it does and you do not constantly run into redheads.) 

However, what about the Irish male? Why do they all dress so badly and is there such thing as a sharp dressed Irish man?

The stereotypical Irishman has a reputation of being a down to earth bloke, who's mad about sports and loves to slip into something way more casual after a hard day's work at the office than a tie and a shirt - the famous tracksuit bottoms! 
You literally see them everywhere in Ireland and not without reason the Irish are often named alongside the British when it comes to the worst dressed European Nation.
Even my own partner prefers to wear his dad's old tramp jacket accompanied by trackies over a brand new decent looking coat that his Mum got him for Christmas! As you can see, the stubbornness of the Irish doesn't make this search any easier!

And it's not just me who's looking for them - sharp dressed Irish men. In his one part documentary, John McGuire tries to explore "the psychology of Irish men and their attitude to fashion and overall appearance". By the time McGuire appears on screen in his pinstriped suit you start wondering though whether he should have chosen a sharper outfit himself to present the show. However, everyone who saw the program last December will probably agree that it was entertaining to see how he transformed an unemployed man by peeling him out of his tracksuit, flying over to Paris, getting a custom-made suit and shirt and even creating his own fragrance. Well, what do you think? Did that fellow get the job he applied for? Of course he did!

And now on to some other Irish blokes that got a job (probably) due to their good looks. Just below that post I put up a few photos that show four of my favourite Irish male celebs. I would be delighted if you all got involved and take a guess who is who. You can win a FREE subscription to this blog and the chance to become a co-author of Girls in Green ;-).


  1. not only favourite but fabulous Irish men indeed:

    (A) Robert Sheehan - aka 'Nathan'
    (B) the owner of your heart - greetings!
    (C) Jonanthan Rhys Meyers - or like John sang "beautiful beautiful, beautiful boy"...
    (D) i guess the frequently mentioned Ryan Tubridy

    next time you'll introduce us to four of your favourite Irish female celebs, right? ;)

    all my lovin'

  2. Hallo Julia,

    auch ein "blog-fremder" Kommentar:

    hat mein Tipp nicht geholfen? Oder ist er vielleicht gar nicht angekommen?


  3. @ A: Thanks for taking part in this competition. Your knowledge of beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful Irish boys is very impressive ;-)! Therefore it's only fair that you have won a FREE subscription to my blog and can even become a co-writer!

    @ Norbert: Vielen Dank fürs Posten.Leider ist dein Tipp gar nicht erst bei mir angekommen. Hast du eine E-Mail-Adresse unter der ich dich erreichen kann? (Meine ist: aber das hat ja anscheinend nicht funktioniert.) Vielen Dank für deine Hilfe! Liebe Grüße aus Dublin, Julia

  4. Just found that link: Seems like other people are just as into "current affairs" as me. Or, are they perhaps stealing my ideas ;)?
